

Client Description:

Dick Janssen, works for Ideeënlab (, which is a consultancy firm that helps regular people create commercial products. Also works for Areas Interactive. Can be contacted with the email address or through the Telegram group.

Description of the Assignment

Product is the ‘TekenToverKist’ from ‘TekenToverWereld’ ( They would like for us, Group 7, to expand their game with 3 proximity sensors and a led strip on the physical hardware it’s run on, and implement some interactions using the sensors. However, we made a decision to create a minigame that includes interaction with the sensors and LEDs.

Game Description:

The player starts the game and over time his speed increases if he doesn’t hit any obstacles on the way. When you are playing the game you will notice that they are different food such as watermelons, carrots, corn and cabbage. The main goal of the game is to collect as much as possible and increase your score.

Team Members:

  • Aleks Petrov
  • Prakasa Kandasamy
  • Georgi Dimitrov
  • Jonatan Faneyte
  • Tristan Ubbens

Key features of the game:

  • Collecting points
  • Controlling the player using proximity sensors
  • Increasing the speed of the player
  • Progress bar
  • Live Score
  • Countdown before the game starts
  • Earning different hats based on the score
  • Displaying the player stats at the end
  • Navigation Guide

Supported platforms: – Windows, Linux

How To Play:

The game is played by using proximity sensors. There is one sensor for each lane in the game(Left, Middle and Right). Depending on where you want to move you have to stay in front of the sensor also not too far away from it. Enjoy!