Client Description:

– Jacqueline Pijcke, works for FutureBites which tries to make young children more aware and enthuse of the power and impact of technology, creativity and making, in an attractive way that matches their experience. FutureBites also feels the need to atrract, amaze and enthuse young people in other ways in addition to existing technology promotion initiatives for the creative industry: the world of creation, technology and making. 

Description of the Assignment

– Design a competitive game to enable young people from 14-19 years old in their puberty to have more awareness of their carbon footprint while taking long/hot showers.

Game Description:

– The game starts with the player entering his name and getting in the shower. While showering they need to keep their emissions low.

Team Members:

  • – Viktor Kalinkov
  • – Svetoslav Stanoev
  • – Missing
  • – Missing

Key features of the game:

  • – Scoreboard
  • – Collecting points
  • – Timer
  • – Status Bars
  • – Running water

Supported platforms: – Windows, Mac

How To Play:

– The game is played by entering the Username you choose. When you get in the shower you press the ON Button which is located on the right. This will start the shower and the timer. You will need to press on the left side the two buttons to make the water hotter or colder. Keeping in mind that the scoring works with the hot bars on the top right. When you finish the shower and to stop the game by press the OFF button on the right the score will be registered.

Installation instructions:
